2016-2017…. My World Flipped Upside Down. Part 1

Here I am! Vulnerable, open, and ready to speak my mind! My world has been turned up side down in the past year. I wish I had the patience to write it all out…. so here is the short version!

At the beginning of this year I was working as a personal trainer for a local gym. I had the privilege of working with women who both inspired me and supported me in my journey to building my career. Not only did I lead some of the regular H.I.I.T. class, but I had to opportunity to created a workout program from moms… it was my baby! This program allowed moms to follow a structured workout program with a trainer but also bring their little ones along to play! The moms loved the idea of being close to their children and fitting in a great workout. The moms were seeing results and the children were getting in valuable social time. It was a win win!

I was living out my passion and it felt amazing! Then one day everything changed.

I suffered an umbilical hernia and was told I had to stop working out. The realization that I would not be able to teach my own classes hit me hard. I put a pause on my classes, so I could focus on setting up a surgery day to repair the hernia. I was hopeful that getting it fixed and allowing myself the time to recover would have me back on track in no time!

Surgery day came and I was both nervous and excited to move forward! I wasn’t sure what to expect as far as pain, but my real concern was having to take a back seat as a mom. My sweet toddler did his best to help me, but he did demand a lot of attention. So thankful for my husband who stepped up to take control of the daily functioning of our home. Just a few days after surgery I began to move about my house, get off medications, and I started to think about switching into recovery mode. Then again, everything changed.

There is was…. I was staring at that double pink line and thinking this can not be real. I can not be pregnant. I just had surgery! I have stitches in my belly button! This can not be happening. My world was once again about to change and I was not ready for it. I was in shock……… img_8738